Sunday, December 23, 2012

It's Evolution, Baby

Here it is....

Ok, it's really not that exciting, but roll with it. I have no idea if the name will stay the same or change. I have no idea if I'll be able to keep up with this after my vacation is over (noooooo). But it's here, I have pictures, and I'm doin' it.

Also...this is kind of fun...

I haven't figured out how to get my sunflowers transfered over (I feel like they're pretty important), but I'll get there.

It's been real, Poorboys + Pilgrims!! I need to figure out how to make this thing into a book. Another project, perhaps...?


Wednesday, December 19, 2012

The Wheels Are Turning

The winds of change, the wheels on the bus, the days of our lives: CHANGE. It's a-coming. 

And I think it may be in the form of a new blog. I don't know. It could be the vacation crazies talking (vacrazies?!). But something's gotta give over here and I basically refuse to pay a measly $2.50/month to this site. Eff. THAT. That's like, a scone from Albermarle Baking Company. I feel it's an easy choice.

So stay tuned, people. Or run away. Either way... it's coming.

**side note: I JUST went to add a witty/cool/awesome/ironic/stupid picture to the bottom of this and realized I COULDN'T. Oh it's on.