Friday, April 24, 2015


I've started taking walks by myself every morning through the wooded Earlysville neighborhoods and I've gotta say -- old people are onto something. Granted, I've had a gorgeous week to start my new habit, as each day has been cool, crisp, and quiet. One nice aspect of living in E-Ville is the trees -- everything is shady and green and my walks smell like dirt and moss. 

Kind of wonderful, and the little 2 mile loop I take is the perfect distance to wake up my bones and catch up on some NPR. I may officially be 1,000 years old right now, but I'm loving it. 

Sunday, April 5, 2015

20 Miles. 20K + Steps.

Spring is HERE! And with spring comes the breakout of Eddie Vedder (if you don't know my bike, seriously...your loss) and the first ride of the year. It was 20 miles of glorious pain where we dodged loose cows, potential frostbite, and got up early to bask in the Earlysville Easter morning.

We went to the farmer's market yesterday, brunched it up at South Street, and borrowed a POWER WASHER WOOOOO to clean the shit out of our deck. 

Extreme excitement to follow.