Sunday, September 20, 2015

Livin' La Vida Local

I feel like I visited every local dig in town today and it was pretty glorious. It's starting to smell like cross-country season every morning, and I'm dying of happiness over it. I got up and drove downtown for an 8am class at purvelo....trying to squeeze in as many classes during my 1-month unlimited "membership." So far, so good, and there's nothing better than being finished with your workout before 9am. 

Legs = Zapped
Afterwards, I walked over to ACAC to shower then finally got the chance to hit up the uber-hipster new Juice Laundry in the new/old Coca Cola building. It's super-cool everything new and glam in Charlottesville, there was plenty of "exposed wood," concrete, and Edison lights. Everything claims to be fresh and organic and there was quirky, Marian Hill-esque music blasting through the speakers. I got The Blaze smoothie which, for $7.50, should have tasted like unicorns were bursting  flames out of my mouth. It was really good -- the cayenne and ginger together were definitely weird, but it will definitely be something I recreate at home for 1 million less dollars. 

I went home to hang out for a bit and to catch Gabe before he headed out to work. I had on jeans and a shirt (i.e., real clothes) and I've really just decided that I only want to wear running clothes on the weekends and no one will stop me so help me God. The end.

I headed back out and decided to spend this most gorgeous day walking the Saunders-Monticello Trail. For some reason, I thought it would lead me to the top of Carter Mountain, not Monticello (obviously oblivious to the name of the freakin' trail). I was a little bummed when I got to the top and was greeted by Thomas Jefferson rather than Apple Cider Donuts, but it's probably for the best. 

It was about 4 miles top to bottom and I needed tacos afterwards. Naturally. Brazos I go! Everyone has been losing their shit over the breakfast tacos here, but I needed some guac in my life so I got two different tacos + chips and salsa. They were....good. Nothing fancy by any means and honestly, I would have preferred to have twice as much Chipotle for a few buck less. But whatever, when in Rome...

A million errands later, I'm finally back home and chilling with my newest eucalyptus/spearmint candle that is making my whole house smell like a spa. Time to prep for my tutoring session tomorrow, answer a few work emails (yuck), and get ready for a backyard "bonfire" tonight.

Happy Sunday!

Friday, April 24, 2015


I've started taking walks by myself every morning through the wooded Earlysville neighborhoods and I've gotta say -- old people are onto something. Granted, I've had a gorgeous week to start my new habit, as each day has been cool, crisp, and quiet. One nice aspect of living in E-Ville is the trees -- everything is shady and green and my walks smell like dirt and moss. 

Kind of wonderful, and the little 2 mile loop I take is the perfect distance to wake up my bones and catch up on some NPR. I may officially be 1,000 years old right now, but I'm loving it. 

Sunday, April 5, 2015

20 Miles. 20K + Steps.

Spring is HERE! And with spring comes the breakout of Eddie Vedder (if you don't know my bike, seriously...your loss) and the first ride of the year. It was 20 miles of glorious pain where we dodged loose cows, potential frostbite, and got up early to bask in the Earlysville Easter morning.

We went to the farmer's market yesterday, brunched it up at South Street, and borrowed a POWER WASHER WOOOOO to clean the shit out of our deck. 

Extreme excitement to follow.

Friday, March 27, 2015

5 Thoughts

As spring flirts with the dogwoods, I've been feeling an itch to add a few things in my day-to-day outlook. A sort of mid-year resolution, I guess.


The idea of keeping a large journal where I can write bits and pieces of my day or include tickets, articles, or objects that I've found seems pretty rad. I like the thought of keeping it still, in the same place, where I can add it it rather than carry it with me.


I've been trying to find an alternative or new workout to throw into the mix, and while I typically hate yoga classes I do love a yoga bod. I'm on the hunt for a yoga class that's less chi-centering and more strength-building. Hot yoga is the shit, but it's also the expensive shit.

Natural Makeup

With more sunshine/outdoor time, I'm seriously upping my sunscreen quota and in turn changing the makeup I'm putting on my face. The more I thought about it, I realize I only buy "nice" makeup every so often...think I'll do a little research into what natural/chemical-free makeup works the best and start incorporating that instead. It's usually more pricey, but if I only buy it every few months....

Wardrobe Purge

Taking a peek into my closet is like taking a look into my high-school time capsule. I have had some of the same clothes for over 10 years now, and they've got to go. I want to slim down on the  number of nubby cotton/shitty polyester clothes that I own and replace them with a few pieces I can mix and match. Easier said than done, but it does feel good to purge.

Smoothie Challenge

Lara's convinced me to try a new Smoothie Challenge (mostly because it's free) and it starts next week. Basically, we're replacing breakfast each morning with a smoothie, and we'll be sent new recipes to try each day. I will be sad to give up my pina-colada smoothie every morning, but we'll see what this chick's got up her sleeve...