- They don't complain/cry/whine when I accidentally take the HOV lane that I thought would lead us straight to Arlington but instead leads us straight into downtown DC, on a Saturday afternoon, in the summertime, when they have a bus to catch in like, an hour.
- They help my mom pick out appliances for her soon-to-be dream kitchen.
- They appreciate a bucket (or three) of ice-cold PBR.
- They return from the past with nostalgic track and field messages asking when/where/how to set up a Tulane reunion.
- They post shit on my Facebook wall like, "(314):My epitaph should read "Margaritas: she never learned," and mean it.
- They send me updates on all the latest femme blogs, especially posts highlighting the demise of Old Spice commercials, the world's worst pickup lines, or images of Chris Brown crying like an abused child a la Michael Jackson tribute.
- They let me peel the sunburn off their backs. And return the favor.
- They get married and throw saweet shindigs with dancing and drinking and funfunfun.
- They understand what I mean when I say I've listened to "Apologies," "Winter Song," and Maroon 5 all day. Step offff
- They send me brilliant texts (like this) right when I'm in the middle of editing some GD government proposal/mere seconds away from death by boredom: "BTW, you'd be so jealous of my current iPhone cover. Compliments of eBay shipped from Hong Kong for $3 total for a $34 gold chrome case. Yeah, google it and drool."
Loves it.
Bahaha. Glad I made the cut.