Sunday, September 20, 2015

Livin' La Vida Local

I feel like I visited every local dig in town today and it was pretty glorious. It's starting to smell like cross-country season every morning, and I'm dying of happiness over it. I got up and drove downtown for an 8am class at purvelo....trying to squeeze in as many classes during my 1-month unlimited "membership." So far, so good, and there's nothing better than being finished with your workout before 9am. 

Legs = Zapped
Afterwards, I walked over to ACAC to shower then finally got the chance to hit up the uber-hipster new Juice Laundry in the new/old Coca Cola building. It's super-cool everything new and glam in Charlottesville, there was plenty of "exposed wood," concrete, and Edison lights. Everything claims to be fresh and organic and there was quirky, Marian Hill-esque music blasting through the speakers. I got The Blaze smoothie which, for $7.50, should have tasted like unicorns were bursting  flames out of my mouth. It was really good -- the cayenne and ginger together were definitely weird, but it will definitely be something I recreate at home for 1 million less dollars. 

I went home to hang out for a bit and to catch Gabe before he headed out to work. I had on jeans and a shirt (i.e., real clothes) and I've really just decided that I only want to wear running clothes on the weekends and no one will stop me so help me God. The end.

I headed back out and decided to spend this most gorgeous day walking the Saunders-Monticello Trail. For some reason, I thought it would lead me to the top of Carter Mountain, not Monticello (obviously oblivious to the name of the freakin' trail). I was a little bummed when I got to the top and was greeted by Thomas Jefferson rather than Apple Cider Donuts, but it's probably for the best. 

It was about 4 miles top to bottom and I needed tacos afterwards. Naturally. Brazos I go! Everyone has been losing their shit over the breakfast tacos here, but I needed some guac in my life so I got two different tacos + chips and salsa. They were....good. Nothing fancy by any means and honestly, I would have preferred to have twice as much Chipotle for a few buck less. But whatever, when in Rome...

A million errands later, I'm finally back home and chilling with my newest eucalyptus/spearmint candle that is making my whole house smell like a spa. Time to prep for my tutoring session tomorrow, answer a few work emails (yuck), and get ready for a backyard "bonfire" tonight.

Happy Sunday!

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