Friday, January 14, 2011

Golden Slumbers + More

All this gloomy blah blah weather has got me in my usual January funk...I'm craving warm, delicious colors and bright yellows...golden hues and hints of glittery goodness. I guess the good thing is I'm not in the beloved (but frigid) Blacksburg, where I truly would be freezing my arse off.

This weekend I have the following (potential) plans:

- Go to Eastern Market and snoop around their thrifty/flea things
- Pop my RCC cherry and take a dip at the indoor pool
- Sand  my little pink table that I picked up at the Y last year and paint it some sort of tealy, greenish, seafomy color.

Sounds good to me! In the meantime, I will continue to stare at these cozy photos...summoning the sun one blog post at a time.

An upholstered desk chair = butt heaven.

This bed is so super cute I can't stand it. It started out an old blah boring white, and now look how fab it is! Perfect for lounging on weekends and snuggling with a cat. Or three cats. Meow.

My favorite part about this room is that it's teeny tiny but still fabulous. Literally a bed room. Holla to the matching bedside tables and sweet-as-punch polka dot headboard.

This house reminds me of a luxe country cottage/mansion somewhere where I should probs be living. Wallpaper, armoire, Burberry-eque jacket, green ploppy chair, hardwoods--done and done.

Introducing the most terrifyingly awesome wine cellar that ever existed!!! It's like walking into wine hell/heaven! Mega creepy, but pretty much to die for.

And finally....ready for Spring already. So. Ready. 


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