Monday, March 7, 2011

Say Yes to the...Boxed Wine?

The Scene: My oldest friend's bridal shower
The Setting: Northern Virginia
The Cast: ARO's friends + family, including Wren, Sara, Kelly, Me, etc
The Mood: Bridalicious
Chilled with WrenMo in my grandma's vintage dress. Classy.

Became close friends with this baby...flowing chocolate? Yes.

Gorged on Jimmy Choo deliciousness.

Caught up with the most legit Meme ever

Dominated obligatory bridal shower games and crafted fabulous toilet-paper gowns (winners!)

Worshipped the bride-to-be in all her glory!

Rocked haute (Cottonelle) couture

Posed like mama, like daughter--hot through the ages.

Always kiss me goodnight, ow oww!

Appropriately excited about her fancy measuring spoons.

...and then we left any sign of class/dignity at the door and brought out...the boxed wine. YES!
Slap. that. bag. baby!

We reverted to junior year/got a little squinty via beloved Jager Bombs

(It's like riding a bike, really...)

Lou Love for life!

Free drinks?! Oh dear...

Dancin like we're dumb

... we even made it back to the hotel in one piece, sash intact! 

Let it be known that this wedding is destine to go down in blissful marital history!
Can't wait till May!

1 comment:

  1. Omg, I love YOU, and I love this freaking blog. Amazing!!
