Friday, July 22, 2011

And it begins...

...Road Trip 2011! Bright and early at 4am, my fabulous mom and I hit the road for the long drive up to Rhode Island. We've got the whole week to explore, so this first leg was a semi-straight shot to the coast, with a small excursion to the glamorous town... of Scranton, PA. My baby bro is being an awesome fitness instructor/coach at the Wellspring Academy again, and we decided to meet him and a friend for some diet-breaking, greasy spoon brunch. I haven't seen him in a few months and he's looking trim + tan + supa frat-ified.

Looking like a rock star at sunrise with her new readers in action. 

Good day sunshine, plus driving through Pennsylvania is g-o-r-g-e-o-u-s and green.

...speaking of's Norberta! At first, we were totally going the Thelma-and-Louisa, scarf-wearing, sunglasses-sporting, balls-to-the-wall convertible route because we had enough points earned to rent whatever our little hearts desired. But when we arrived at the rental station, our only convertible option was the choice between a shiny black or shiny red...Camaro. Um, no. Plus, it was literally 110degrees today, and we figured we'd be too miserable and sunburned and parched to even consider rollin' with the top down for too long. So, in typical cheapskate fashion, we chose this little beauty. I think it's a much better personality fit, anyway. Granny Smith Green > Candy Apple Red any day.

Scranton is a strange little town, but we definitely approved of Dunmore Diner's $.99 breakfast special! Eggs, hash browns, toast, and coffee for less than $1? You had me at Buck Town.

Our trusty stead.

Mother/Child reunion. 

Camp Coaches on their day off. 

After saying goodbye and fighting with Linda (our GPS), we crossed the border to New York!

Connecticut was lame and didn't have a state sign, so here's a pic of some of our travel necessities. I'm looking at you, CheezIts.

Rhode Island, however, did have a sign! Super excited to explore this tiny state, starting tomorrow with the Cliff Walk/Castles at Newport. 

Finally, after settling in to our gigantic hotel suite at the Providence Biltmore, we got a little fancy and headed across town for Mike and Steph's rehearsal dinner where we gorged on BBQ Salmon, yum, and Creme Brulee. Sooo stuffed. Sooo worth it (even the awkward family toasts).

It was even 1000 degrees in RI. 

Great success so far, and so very pumped for the wedding tomorrow and the rest of the week's festivities!!

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