Saturday, January 16, 2010

Eff Yuppie Dads

Hellllllooooooooooo----- So, I didn't have to come into work until 12:00 because I worked overtime earlier in the week blahblah so this morning I went to the mall to see if they were still having a sale at Bath and Body Works where I could get lotion for $3 (they weren't so I was pissed...but that's another story).

Anyway, so as I'm walking through Macys, an insanely dressed MATCHING couple with two MATCHING kids--I'm talking jumped out of a Ralph Lauren catalog/wearing mega plaid--were walking in front of me.

The mom was holding the little boy's hand, Dad pushing the stroller. As we passed a stand of handbags the little boy stops and says,"Oooh look Mom--I like the red ones! I would love to have a red purse so that I can grow up to be a big, strong boy!" (No lie--his actual words. It was presh).

Anyway, the mom is basking in the glow of her son's adorableness and says something like, "Well of course you could carry the red purse, it's beautiful!" when yuppie Dad swoops in to ruin the day/instill some serious gender roles by saying, "Now [insert WASPy boy name], I've never seen any big, strong boys carrying purses before! I don't think you really want one. Maybe you'd want a football" (again, EXACT WORDS! I was following a little closely by this point). And the boy looks up at his dad like his little heart was broken into a million pieces and Mom shoots Dad the Death Look, and I'm still walking behind them, jaw-dropped in amazement.

<--Death look approximation.

Plus, I had to hold myself back from inserting my obnoxious two cents, but whatevs. Anyway, I thought you would appreciate that little tidbit.

Eff yuppie dads.-->

I'll buy that kid the fucking red purse with my own money--that I earned and keep in my equally awesome bag!!!!!

Ok. I'm at work now. We have mandatory happy hour from 4:30-6:00. That's what I'm talking about.

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