Thursday, May 19, 2011

I'm Losin' It.

My debit card, that is. Yep, lost it again. Here's the thing--I'm not even that stressed about it. Is that wrong? This must be the fifth time it's been 'misplaced,' and at this point, I'm pretty calm. The only thing that concerns me is that I have less than a quarter tank of gas in my car and I've gotta drive to the mountains/boondocks tomorrow for wedding festivities. Get thee to a bank, stat!

Meanwhile, I'm over here lusting after material goods like the best of them. Get over yourself--you know you do too. So, this post is in honor of what I would currently buy if I found some idiot's debit card floating in the breeze for my expense.*

A new camera wristlet thing with a cute bohemian print that I could slip on while hula hooping and/or attending local equestrian events.
The Karma Necklace. True story--I've been watching The Biggest Loser all season. No surprise there. For 10 weeks now, I've been lusting after a necklace that one of the contestants rocks for every weigh-in. So, I slapped on my gum shoes and did some Googling and found that she is wearing not one, but two of these!! Bad ass. Plus, her name is Hannah. She'll probs win the show. I'll vote for her.

Every year when the sun sets later in the day and the whippoorwills come out and the honeysuckle is running wild...I get the itch for new bed sheets. I know--it's a completely normal response. This year I'm pining after LLBean's Sand Dollar sheets (and that delicately delicious bed skirt). I'll bet you $5 these babies would feel cool to the skin and are just begging to be tucked away at a scrubby little beach cottage.

This Max Kurzweil print, 'Woman in a Yellow Dress.' It reminds me of a Klimt painting. I love the colors, love the texture, jeal of her waistline. Gorgeous.

Also, breaking news!! I think I may have finally perfected my homemade yogurt recipe. The missing ingredient is to let the yogurt cook for at least 12 hours (rather than the 10 I had originally tried, which left me with runny, milk-like yogurt rather than the thick, Greek, deliciousness I've been craving).

Hannah: 1
Yogurt Machine: 0


*obvi, I would never use a found debit card. Cut me some slack, fools.

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