Thursday, May 26, 2011

The Arc of a Love Affair

There isn't really a way to express how amazing last night was for me. I left work early. Got an awesome haircut. Made it through Tysons with minimal traffic. Caught the first train into the city and met up with my lovers. Lounged on the mall and soaked up the sun. Wandered our way  to the DAR Constitution Hall. Found our fantastic seats. Let the magic begin.

So I was expecting this concert to be amazing. I was expecting to be completely happy and blown away. I was expecting it to be somewhat life-changing. I wasn't expecting to tear up at the sound of the first song (Crazy Love II) and remain in a state of complete euphoria for the next two hours. It was the best performance I've ever seen. I love that little man.

Now, I've always had a soft spot for Paul Simon in my soul, but all drama aside, this was the closest thing I've ever had to a religious experience. Every song he performed took me back to a different memory, a different place in my life in such an unexpectedly vivid way.... listening to 50 Ways to Leave Your Lover while driving around UVA grounds with The Boy.

...debating the saddest section of Slip Slidin Away and realizing how one song can mean three completely different things for three different people.

...feeling the bumps that ran up and down Wendy's car seats on the way to Grymes with Gumboots in the tape deck.

...lying on the floor in the Tiny House with Del, singing Diamonds on the Soles of Her Shoes. 
...remembering how I've stood on the corner of Lafayette (in the state of Louisiana) and relished in NOLA lovin' with that song ringing in my ears for a good solid year.

...seeing Alex's face when Obvious Child came blasting through the speakers and the way she clutched her little hands together for the whole song.

...pondering the fact that I play Mother and Child Reunion every time I drive home to Louisa.

...and a million more. Every song. Every one. I want to be reincarnated as a Paul Simon lyric-- no more, no less.

If you ever have the chance to see him in concert, do it. Cough up the dough and soak it in because it was one of the best experiences of my life.

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