Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Are You There Follower? It's Me, Your Idol.

Apparently I have one follower.

Who are you??
Do I know you?
Is it you, Delaney?
Name yoself, fool.
Ok, I had another night of weird dreams but I REMEMBER them this time, so I'm writing them down to share.

I dreamed that I was in a tattoo/piercing parlour with Stephen and Matt and we were all getting drunk and pierced and tattooed in weird, impossible places. Like, I got my tongue, lower back, and feet pierced (somehow) and Steve got this huge nasty tattoo on his arm of Starry, Starry Night that he apparently let Matt tattoo on him...and it came out looking like some bullshit.

<-- It looked way worse than this.
..but not as bad as this. -->
(Hopefully she's not my follower.)

My back piercing was really hurting/irritating me so I had this big biker guy help me get it out, but the only way to remove it was to take a mini chainsaw and saw the metal away from my skin. BUT the piercing was so strong that even the mini chainsaw was no match for it--plus, I could feel it hurting in my dream. Lame. The biker guy even sprayed my back with some kind of numbing spray, but it didn't work and I could still feel him chainsawing away.

Also, I wasn't used to my new tongue ring and it kept clinking against my teeth/I kept mini-choking on it and it was terrible but it hurt too much to take out. It was like when I dream about choking on my retainer.
God, I'm a freak. Plus, I couldn't walk around because in my drunken state I had asked to have my feet pierced, so the little ball piercings were sticking out everywhere and not letting me walk.

It was horrible. Points for wierdness. Yesssss!


  1. Um I think I've been following your blog since you made it. Or I'm not sure. How do I know?

    It's probably me. You're not that popular.

  2. I think it's me, Julianne. I didn't know it was anonymous. Eileen gave me your blog when I sarcastically started mine. Sorry for being creepy... ;)

  3. and duh you are my idol. hence why you deserve not one, but two comments from me.
