Friday, March 12, 2010

Kleenex and Wedding Bells--sexy!

Tonight Cody and I are going on a real date. Like, dinner, movies (at a theater!! that's not $4!), walkin', talkin', smoochin' date. How sweet. Well, more like how snotty, considering we're both filled with more henious bodily allergy fluids than should be humanly possible. We'll be that incredibly endearing/disgusting couples in the theater, sniffing and snorting our asses off. So romantic!
Meanwhile, I'm here planning my dear old friend Sara's bridal shower. Holy shitballs do I have marriage on the brain. Now I understand why wedding planners charge the big bucks. There are so many minute details that no one should ever care about (font size, color, shape...the lining of envelopes...the color of place mats...which way the toilet paper should fold...) but clearly I obsess over. I want this shit to Look.Good. Like, real good. Thank God I have Secret Power #1 aka My Mama--Master of Everything Creative. I'm serious, the woman's pores are clogged with creativity.

Anyway. Hopefully the majority of my weekend will be spent sitting in a chair like this:
or snuggling up with one of these:
or chillin like this hot-mess of a broad, tan lines and all (although I'm not sure if she's dead or alive...I'm hoping alive, for my sake/weekend plans at least):
It's supposed to monsoon like a water buffalo all weekend, and as far as I'm concerned, if it's not snow--BRING IT! Oh, it's already been brought-un or something.
Ok wellll if you're bored or lame or really just plain awesome like me, I suggest you check out the following mofos:
Ok. Back to work fml blah gtg xoxxo acronyms bye.

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