Sigh. Yesterday I got back from a deliciously relaxing (I'M JUST TRYING TO RELAX!!!!!!!!!!) weekend at the beach with part of one of my favorite families...das Parrishes. After a long and uneventful drive on Friday night we made it and were greeted at the door by the one and only fabulous Grandmommy...and a table full of food. Dream come true? Obviously.
Although my stomach/intestines may never be the same, it was a great weekend with perfect weather, full of food, ocean, hot tubs, reading, and Scrabble dominations. Muahaha.
Corolla in the fall = deserted oceanfront heaven.
View from the balcony.
I see seashells on the seashore? PS. We (Cody) found a Conch shell!! So excited!
Humble abode.
We also found Horseshoe crabs. Lots of them. And skates.
Dun dun dun dun dun.
Very anthropological.
The Key Players:
Then we got bored and went dream house shopping.
Here's my weekend house.
This is where I live every other day. For-evah.
The guest quarters.
We visited a lighthouse!
Chillaxed in rocking chairs.
Walked through nature.
And visited a wetland!
We supported local commerce by purchasing awesome mood rings! Non-adjustable at that!
Took paparazzi pics of the infamous G-Mommy/G-Daddy duo.
And spent a few glorious days being ourselves.
Hi ho, Hi ho. Back to work/school we go. Blah.
Happy Tuesday!