Monday, September 12, 2011

Hannah Does Math

*Warning: the following post is littered with exclamation points (!). Be ready.

So, today was supposed to be a very bad terrible horrible blood-shedding day at work. No bosses around. Deadlines broken. Chaos errywhere! However, in the midst of all the insanity, I was able to have a moment of zen whilst perusing the Anthro sales section when I stumbled upon these beauties... 

Eek! Terracotta clogs!? On sale?! Be still my Fall-focused fashion heart. I was so excited, and then I remembered a v. important fact: September is free shipping month at Anthropologie! The world is just! After some quick researching, I realized this golden nugget of good luck is only applicable if you have a full-priced item in your cart. So, I scrambled all over the site in search of the tiniest, cheapest, less-than-$10 purchase to add to my bag. I really wanted my little blue kitchen timer that I've been pining after forever, but they don't sell it online anymore. Weird. I couldn't bring myself to buy another overpriced Volcano candle that burns quickly and looses its wick, so I was lucky enough to find this lil cutie for the winning price of $6. Joy!

Then, potential disaster--what size clog to buy!? Either my feet have recently been metamorphosizing down to a tinier size or retailers are finally making shoes for giants. Point of the story--should I go 9.5 or 9?! THIS IS A SERIOUS FIRST-WORLD PROBLEM, PEOPLE! However, lightening struck, and I realized--it's free shipping! Free Free Free! So...I ordered both. Whatever. Gonna try 'em on for size, (literally) and return whichever ones don't fit. Look at me go. Also, I realized it is cheaper to include the addition of my little garden pot than to suck it up and pay the usual $7ish for shipping. I'm like a bonafide math genius. Soooo impressed with myself. Sooo humble. 


This is the main struggle in my life right now. I'd say that's pretty awesome, wouldn't you?

xxx, Hannah

1 comment:

  1. this post just made me waste an hour on the anthropologie website. luckily I already know I can't wear clogs...
