Monday, September 19, 2011

The Hook

The weekend verdict? Stay in town with the 'rents and listen to some banjo-playin' fools while catching up with an old friend over spinach, artichoke, and asparagus pizza. Yumm. I haven't seem Tim in almost two years, which is crazy to me because he was one of my best friends in high school and we used to always run in the same circles (literally). I love bumping into people you haven't seen or talked to in forever and picking up exactly where you left off. It's so refreshing--I only I wish I'd brought my camera to catch a picture of Tim's stylish new grizzly man beard. It was v. impressive. 

Meanwhile, everything in the Lou is bursting in techno-color green. The fields are lush and delicious and ready for fall. My mom was on her typical mission: find something to paint, stat! So, she pulled out the new ladder she bought for her bathroom and started sanding. It began a sad, chipped blue color but ended with an awesome glossy black finish--the perfect addition to her room.

Also, it's walnut season like woah. Watch your head...

What's the story, morning glory? They've taken over the blackberry patch.

More exciting news at my parents' house: they planted two fig trees (and "they already have figs! See!?!'). Gettin' figgy with it. 

On one of her recent scavenger hunt adventures, my mom found this old medicine cabinet for $3 and decided it was something I needed to fix up and have. Umm, ok!!

So proud. 

I found this Anthropologie mug at Goodwill for a whopping $.35!! I'm gonna pretend the 'm' is for my middle name....

Boo lovin'.

So ladylike...

My parents are in the process of "renovating" their patio. In the meantime,  the front yard is a giant sand pit filled to the brim with walnuts and cats. Tiger especially loves to lie, play, roll, and frolic anywhere near the glorified, oversized litter box. Meow.

Saturday night, we went to Montpelier to watch fireworks for Constitution Day. It was awesome because we got to "sneak" in the back gate and drive to a secluded part of the steeplechase course to watch the show all by ourselves--how many people get to use James Madison's estate as their personal playground? Super lucky, and it was the perfect night for fireworks. 

Anyway. Don't have to work until 4:00pm today. Who knows when I'm leaving... midnight at the earliest...? Trying my best to keep the cranky pants at bay. We shall see. 

xxx, Hannah

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