Tuesday, September 6, 2011

We're god thsnks.

Super long Labor Day weekend filled with many, many baked goods, nights out on the town, extreme iMovie making, and dabbles in deadly humpback cricket extractions. It was sooo nice to finally have a weekend to sit around and do/go wherever we wanted, whenever we wanted. Stuntin' like our daddies, or something...

Blonde on Blonde.
(P.S. I feel like this shirt makes an appearance in almost every photo I take. Anthro sales rack ftw, I guess!)

Look. We're actual adults! Plus, B-Rad came out to play, hooray!

"Umm, excuse me, do you ride the metro often?" Goodnight.

Can you feel the love?

Then, we encountered the most diligent cab company out there...

So helpful, so friendly. WE ARE HOME WITH JESUS!! God. So embarrassing.

Moving on. We spent a lot of the weekend whipping up the perfect Pumpkin Spice Latte as a farewell to summer. The Rancilio and I are slowly becoming friends again, especially with the addition of my sweet new thrift store "shot glasses."

Starbucks ain't got shit on us.

So there's a recipe for Blue Moon Cupcakes that has been floating all over Pinterest and I decided sit down and whip up this magic once and for all. Yes, these are beer-filled. No, they are not quite as magical as I anticipated (but I've never really met a cupcake I didn't like). I'm still trying to figure out why the icing decided to melt off the cake, but I'm betting it had nothing to do with the five (5!) cups of confectioner's sugar included in the mix...

Hayley was v. concerned and ready for any necessary clean up.

All in all, a pretty awesome 3.5-day weekend. Sad to see summer go, but pretty happy how fall (yes, September = Fall) is already shaping up. I'm ready for tailgates, tall boots, scarves, and a whole lot of coconut cappuccinos....


1 comment:

  1. hahahaha, god, hayley. gets me every time. i can haz a cupcake? or a beer? or perhaps a cricket?
