Tuesday, June 1, 2010

So Pumped to Have a Colbie Caillat Song In My Head

Happy Day After Memorial Day people! Otherwise known as Tuesday, barf-face, worst day of the week. But whatevs, I'm merely counting down the minutes until this weekend when I head back to Central VA to rendezvous with the loves of my life for Sara's ultimate wedding reception extravaganza! Excitement cannot be contained; I truly cannot wait to see Lou Crew friends and celebrate old-school style with the best of them.

So this weekend I went home/Cville with Cody to chill at my parents' house/eat massive amounts of (free!) food/hang outside/play with Uli/do nothing. Twas enjoyable. On Sunday, Cody and I went into town and got burgers yumyum at The Nook downtown. It was about 3million degrees outside...and I loved it!

Anxiously awaiting burger arrival, duh.
Ok, eff you, I look disgusting.
Whatever, it was fart-knockingly hot outside and I'm a known sweaty beast.
Deal with it.
While in Cville, we stopped by Circa to peruse the goodies and see if we could find anything worthwhile. UM HELLO I FOUND A MONEY PURCHASE! Well, in my eyes at least. Because you see, I've been searching high and low for an adorbs little lamp to bring into work to ninja-kick the hell out of the disgusting fluorescent lights that I'm forced to sit under. And it's taken a while. I can't just pick any old lamp. It's gotta be cute. Be classy. And most important, it's gotta be cheap. Well low and mofo behold, I found that exact lamp this weekend! Check it out!

$5!! Totally adorbs. Oh, and Cody got a beer stein. Sweet.

Moving on. In recent breaking news, did you see this? Al Gore and ole Tipper are splitting...and they sent out an email?!? WTF. How do you respond to that message? I wonder what font they used... Do you think the people they sent it to are going to start a secret 'Reply All' discussion about them, spewing their cyber gossip in one fell blow? Who gets their extreme, environmentally unfriendly abode? Lame.

Enough of this bullshit. Here are some pics that I know will make your day shine like the sun. Bon Appetite to your eyes and happy barf Tuesday!

xoxo, Hannah

1 comment:

  1. Baha. Look at that little Parrish boy waiting for his burger!
