Thursday, June 30, 2011

Can You Work It? Lemme Work It.

So I've been trying this new thing recently where I only wear dresses to work. They're so much easier, they're more flattering, and I don't have to suffer with the thought of wearing...dress pants. Ugh. There is nothing more disgusting in this world than ill-fitted, cheap, disgusting dress pants (because you know I'm too stingy to buy nice ones) and the reality of having them dry cleaned makes my skin crawl.

So, as the entire world knows (because I find a way to insert it into every conversation), I've been riding my bike to work. This is indeed awesome, but it requires me to carry a backpack and change in the bathroom when I get to the office. The lights in the bathroom are on a sensor, so if nobody's been in there/moving around for a while, they'll turn off to save energy. Brilliant. This morning, I roll into work and for once am not completely disgusting because it's beautiful outside and I've managed to not sweat my entire face off. I'm in the stall changing into a dress that has these weird straps that run along the inside ribcage area to act as support. Very strange to me, but I'm learning. So there I am--no bra, in heels, wrestling myself into this dress--and I cannot get it on. I have tugged. I have pulled. I have prayed to the bathroom stall goddesses to But alas, I'm a little sweaty, and the material of the dress + somewhat sticky skin (professional, I know) is not happening.

So I'm like, shit shit, I'm gonna be trapped awkwardly here in the bathroom with no clothes on fml. I start spinning in circles trying to get this thing pulled up without fucking up the lining of the dress, and this goes on for about 5 minutes. Picture a dog chasing her tail, but more pathetic. Then, right when I think I've got the dress somewhat on...the lights  in the bathroom go out because I'm the only one in there and apparently not close to the sensor. FUCKKKKK so I'm like, literally half naked with a twisted dress around my nasty sweaty body flopping around in the bathroom in the dark being like, what should I do?!? So...I awkwardly open the door, half-dressed, hop out in my unbuttoned heels, and bounce my way in the direction that I hope is the sensor. I'm flapping my arms around like a mad woman and luckily the bathroom goddesses answer my prayers and the lights come on and I can hop back to my stall before someone comes in to see this spectacle.

Luckily, there's a happy ending and I finally got the dress on after some creative adjusting and some serious heaving and a lot of sweat-wiping. Basically, my life is a joke right now.

Anyway. Dressing yourself can be difficult, but I don't back down to a challenge...even if it's a challenge that the least competent two-year-old could achieve.


Wednesday, June 29, 2011

It's a Marvelous Night for a Moondance

Can it get any more beautiful outside? Low humidity, sun shining, birds chirping...perfect weather for one of the last days of the month. Took my car to the shop to get inspected [finally!], running after work, then getting my stretch on at yoga. Also, I'm becoming obsessed with Caprese sandwiches/tomato sandwiches in general. Nothing says summertime like two pieces of bread, thick mayo, juicy tomatoes, and salt + pepper. Heaven. In the meantime, while I'm counting down the hours till I'm free (1.5!), check out these gorgeous shots from around the way... 

Cabinet r-e-s-p-e-c-t right here. I love how there's glass all the way around and not just the front. Super pretty, especially with the robin's egg bead board.

The first work I think of when I look at this photo is "plush."
She is divine.

Kicking back to my old faithful stripes, this time in a soft, shabby pink. Not of a fan of the window treatment, but who am I to judge and/or blow against the wind?

This room is fantastic. From the millions of windows and natural light to the cool collection of portraits stacked against the wall, I love the artsy fartsy studio vibe and the electric pillows.  

Where can I get my hands on these!?!?! Skinny dip tea party at my house!
Hopefully everyone is beautiful! Taking my Holga out for a spin this weekend to see what kind of goodies I can get into. Fingers crossed for greatness.

PS. Beyonce's new album dropped yesterday. Get thee to iTunes, stat!


Monday, June 27, 2011

18 Miles for Ice Cream? Yes.

Super long PDS weekend. 7AM yoga; lunch by the pool; and margaritas, pina coladas, Patron shots, oh my! Yesterday Caroline and I decided to be simultaneously productive and gluttonous by riding our bikes to Vienna for some delicious Nielsen's Frozen Custard. However, before we left we checked online and realized...they're closed on Sundays!! Noooooooooooooo..........

Have no fear--this problem was easily resolved. Half a mile further down the path: Cold Stone Creamery.

Yes. Great success.

Ended the weekend with some Homeward Bound-watching, plus I'm burning all my old family videos onto DVDs (which is proving to be hilarious and strenuous). Teenage dream I was not, and there may or may not be footage of my award-winning Greased Pig Contest championship. Yes. This is my life...and it's awesome.

Get a case of the Mondays!

xxx, Hannah

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

You Just Gotta Keep Livin... L-I-V-I-N

Recently, I've been feeling so much better about my life. Things are lining up. Plans are in the making. My everyday going-ons are making me happy, full, creative, and sweet. Getting over my grass-is-always-greener syndrome couldn't be more fun--and what better day to realize it than the first day of summer! Slicing negativity...focusing on everything beautiful around me...and remembering exactly who I am...sounds like a brilliant plan to me. 

This morning, I rode my bike to work! Finally! It's something I've been talking and talking and talking about, but I woke up a little early, strapped on my helmet (you're welcome, Mom/Alex!), and took off (Landlady in tow, of course). It was so, so easy and I'm kicking myself for not doing it earlier. However, I did take a spinning class last night and my buns are feeling like steel/my seat bones have the serious ouchies. No fun, but (butt?) sacrifices must be made!!

Also, one of my newest obsessions is...basil water! I was on my cucumber water kick for a hot minute in Blacksburg, but I'm moving on to Well, not really. I'm just growing basil in my backyard so it's FREE and my cucumbers have yet to sprout. Can't wait for them to get here but in the meantime...yum!

Also...I'm in the midst of planning an amazing, life-changing, balls-to-the-wall road trip that will take me from DC to Pennsylvania to upstate New York to Massachusetts to Rhode Island to Nantucket and beyond! Getting seriously excited about convertible-driving, scarf-wearing, sunglass-sporting adventures in the sunshine with one of my favorite women out there.

So cheers to life, love, and happiness--keep it coming my way!

xxx, Hann

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Double Rainbow Video Post!!!

Basically my dream engagement. Duh.

The best ingredient... is love.

Grace, Grace, Grace...

Friday, June 17, 2011

Pleased As Punch

Just a hop, skip, and a jump away from the weekend! Looking forward to blackbean burgers in the backyard, mandioca, canoeing on the river, homemade candles, summer reading lists, Trader Joes wine, and a happy happy father's day. Breaking wishbones for beautiful weather! 


Thursday, June 16, 2011

I Survived..., that is. Went to the first class last night--bent and stretched and centered parts of me that I didn't even know existed, but it was actually pretty fun. After tackling the pre-class giggles and locking up my crazies, it wasn't that hard to get focused and stretch out the knots from my ouchie earlier run. I'm thinking that running + yoga + going on a meat break could result in a beautimous friendship. 

Meanwhile, I'm over here lusting after golds and greens and counting my breaths till the fabulous weekend!
How does your garden grow?
Serious mosaic tile love. 

This bathroom is meh except for the groovy green mirror, meow.

Hope everyone's having a glorious Thursday!

xxx, Hannah

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Recipe of the Day

Sometimes all you need is a pinch of lavender paint...
A dash of chance encounters...

Two heaving scoops from old-money pockets...

The zest from the wheels that take you places...

And a cup of pure attitude... get you where you want to be.

Monday, June 13, 2011

Dill 2009-2011

Today is a very sad day in the Lou and beyond. Little Dill, the most spoiled and beloved Jack Russell of all, had her last morning on the farm after a long walk through the woods with her mama and sisters. She lived a short life, but it was full of treats, kisses, car rides, and everyday lovin'. She is survived by her less-intelligent counterpart, Harper; her wise, old motherly figure, Boo; her auntie Uli; her Montpelier fan club; and her one and only human parents and siblings.

RIP Dilly Doo...your constant barking, vertical hopping, awkward sleeping positions, and ever-present tiny cuteness will be forever missed.

Learning the ropes from granny Boo.

Sneaking a peek through the clothes line.

Prepping for her puppy closeup.

Racing like a rockstar in the Montpelier Jack Russell Races! Go green!

Relaxing by the begonias.

Catching some zzzzzzs with her pops.

...and finally, in her favorite spot...taking a ride with her mama and soaking up the love.

So three cheers for Dill--I'm sure she's off frolicking with Rita, Scout, Lucy, Jackie, Jessie, Pumpkin, and Midnight as we speak.

Friday, June 10, 2011

The Brilliant Girl With the Famous Thighs

On Tonight's Menu: A little Third Eye Blind lovin, some afternoon thunderstorms, and many frolics at the fair with friends and faves.

Oh, June, you had me at hello...
*Also, crossing my fingers for a funnel cake. I'm on the hunt...

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

What Will Come of All Our Pride?

There are few women who conjure up the feeling of pure, unadulterated, obsessive lust in me like the one-and-only Grace Potter. Jetting out at 3:00 to see all of Grace in her hair-whipping, leg-stomping, throat-moaning glory and I simply cannot wait! My summer concert list is lining up perfectly.

What better way to kick it off?

She gives the people what they want...

...while letting her crazies fly free.

Jefferson Theater won't know what hit it. YES!

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Get Real

"Real isn't how you are made," said the Skin Horse. "It's a thing that happens to you. When a child loves you for a long, long time, not just to play with, but REALLY loves you, then you become Real."

"Does it hurt?" asked the rabbit.

 "Sometimes," said the Skin Horse, for he was always truthful. "When you are Real you don't mind being hurt."

"Does it happen all at once, like being wound up," he asked, "or bit by bit?"

"It doesn't happen all at once," said the Skin Horse. "You become. It takes a long time. That's why it doesn't happen often to people who break easily, or have sharp edges, or who have to be carefully kept. Generally, by the time you are Real, most of your hair has been loved off, and your eyes drop out and you get loose in your joints and very shabby. But these things don't matter at all, because once you are Real you can't be ugly, except to people who don't understand."

By Margery Williams, from "The Velveteen Rabbit"

Monday, June 6, 2011

I Know This Much Is True

I have never picked more peas in my life.

My pops can grow a mean baby carrot.

There's nothing better than chilled watermelon.

New toys are a v. big deal at my parents' house (and I will never fully escape my redneck roots).

I sometimes prefer the company of dogs.

First-cut hay in the Lou trumps all

Blacksburg will always be there.

My mom will forever see faces in trees. 

And everyone grows up one day...

... some just later than others.