Friday, June 25, 2010


It's Friiiiiidaayyyyyyy, thank the heavens! I hope everyone has an exciting weekend planned, full of sunshine, cheap wine, friends, fam, and everything wonderful.
Today I Am: Into Adele's song Right as Rain. Spunky deliciousness.
Also: I'm leaving work at 12:00!!!! and driving to the Lou, whew. I desperately need to find my bathing suits for the beach next weekend...they're buried under the piles of shit that I've thrown in my parents' house. Sorry Mom.
Until I find them, I fully intend on lounging in outfits like this:
While swinging from hammocks like this:
Or being damsel-in-distressful, napping in my finest evening wear, like this:
Oooorrr....just snoozing in bed in general:
Ok, maybe this giant diaper hammock of happiness, too:

Le Sigh.

Happy happy weekend darling faces!
xoxo, hannah

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Um, Yes Please

Lay on me like morning dew? I'm in.

I'll Follow the Sun

Good morning, good morning, good morning!

It is hot as all getup outside, but it's freezing in my office. Joy. However...I'm so excited because today is Thursday (best day of the week, duh!) and it's almost lunchtime and the day is going much faster than anticipated and I'm wearing a new Michael Kors shirt that I got for $12 whole buckaroos and!

Tonight Cody and I are going out to dinner in Reston (we're thinking The Counter... serious yums) and afterwards I'm looking at another apartment ugh blah farts. This one's only three miles from work, yippee! and has two 20-something girls living in it...we'll see!

Then, I think I've magically convinced my boss to let me leave four hours early tomorrow because I have a million overtime hours banked up and there's nothing going on and seriously, why can't I just leave now?

I'm headed to the Lou this weekend for some serious R&R with the madre. Crossing fingers and toes that I don't get poison ivy for the thousandth time (this time I really am wearing pants the whole weekend, no excuses). Don't know what we'll do yet...probs hang out at home, visit the old-man grandpa, catch up with the padre, and generally lounge till our hearts are content (lounge = mega thrift store/antique/junk shopping, duh).
Country roads, flew-powder me home!

Loves, Me

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Friday, June 18, 2010

Money can't buy me class, but it can buy me lots of other shit.

After 15 hours of work yesterday, getting in at 8:15 today, and chugging a huge coffee (20oz? 24oz? eek!) my brain/body are literally on the fritz. Buh. Thank GOD it's Friday. Hopefully I'll be able to sleep in tomorrow, wake up, slowly get ready, and head to the city to tour the museums I skipped out on last weekend.

On Sunday, I'm checking out an apartment in Vienna that's in walking distance to the Metro and only 9 miles from work. Cha-ching, hopefully it's not filled with crazies... We shall see!

Crossing my fingers that I can leave early today, jet home, buy a cheap Target bathing suit, sit outside, sip some wine that I jacked from yesterday's corporate "Win Party," and live it up at the pool. In the meantime, check out this janx and enjoy the beautiful, sunshiney day! xxx
Color Palette o' the Day:
(who am I kidding, this is always my color palette)
Teals, sea foam, white, cream, pinks, blushes, baby blues, tans
Laundry room heaven. Lights, camera, gentle cycle.
Obsessed with the framed heart. Ob.Sessed. The pillows are probs my fav.
Beautiful porch-chandelier combo. Painted ceiling--an obvious choice.
Can you imagine having breakfast here every morning?? You'd never have a bad day again!
Ridiculous, ridiculous window shutter thingys. Ridiculous love.
I would pay a lot of money to be sipping some tea under this creation right now. Adult-sized living room tent? Check. Library of goodness? Double gold star.
- -
But really, truly, if I could be anywhere at this very moment, it would be curled up toasty in this bed, with AC pumping in on me with a serious down comforter and snuggly pillows. Dreams please Ugh. Seriously, where can I buy/give an arm+leg for this thing???!
Anyway. Top of the morning or whatever to you happy day, I wish you all a delicious naptime.
Loves, Me.
*Bad News of the Day: This is in my head. noooooooo..............

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

I'm so into stripes, I should be on a boat.

We've hit crazy-town busy at work which means my life sucks and I'm reading all sorts of exciting material (read: most boring shit that ever existed), but at least it's raining and thundering outside instead of beautiful and sparkly. I'm lacking serious creative juices, so just deal with it bitches. Just deal.
Check out this cute little chair with cute little pillow and delish flower arrangement and sweet little white table. Sugar and spice and everything effing nice. I'm currently reading The Particular Sadness of Lemon Cake by Aimee Bender (my favs author) and it's rocking my life as expected. Wish I were sitting in this little number instead of rotting here in my cube over an overpriced turkey and Havarti sandwich that I didn't even pay for meh.

Things I already own and plan on using to emulate this room: Badass chandelier courtesy of Mama Carlson/thrift store; real-life dead antlers courtesy of Papa Carlson/the woods (I'm so legit, it hurts); bad art sketches, thanks friends!; overstuffed and awesomely upholstered chair; mirror mirrors on the wall. Ready, go!
Loves the windows. It reminds me of Chocolat minus sex-pot Johnny Depp.
freckles + ginger + Popsicle + tan = sweet summertime
Like I said--stripes. I'm wearing them right now. Nice.

Hello little bun.

Soulshine, sunshine.
Dream color scheme.
Honestly, who gets off a plane looking this good? Picnic basket at the ready? WTFFFF?! Maybe I'm just cranky because I can't decide who I love girl Diane K or old-school love-of-my-life Joshua Jackson? Stars and hearts forever xxx.

Answer me this: what the eff is that clip in her hair? Sacrilegious. And just plain disgusting. It's not clever. It's not witty. You look like a fool. Sorrybuttrue.

I hate my job.
Love, Hannah

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Cranky Pants.

Once upon a time in a land far away,
A beautiful, independent, self-assured princess
happened upon a frog as she sat
contemplating ecological issues
on the shores of an unpolluted pond
in a verdant meadow near her castle.

The frog hopped into the princess' lap
and said: "Elegant Lady,
I was once a handsome prince
until an evil witch cast a spell upon me.

Once kiss from you , however,
and I will turn back into the dapper, young prince that I am
and then, my sweet, we can marry
and set up housekeeping in your castle
with my mother,
where you can prepare my meals,
clean my clothes, bear my children,
and forever feel
grateful and happy doing so."

That night, as the princess dined sumptuously
on lightly sauteed frog legs
seasoned in a white wine and onion cream sauce,
she chuckled and thought to herself:

I don't fucking think so.

Friday, June 11, 2010

Three Pretty Faces, Three Pretty Places

What up bitches. No seriously--how's it goin? So pumped, because in T-minus 2.5 hours, I will be in Rio Grande sipping a swirl and gorging on some serious chips and salsa. Commence jealousy. Also, tomorrow I'm heading into the city with Del and Cody where we're running some errands/watching the World Cup in Dupont on some big screens while chugging overpriced PBR and possibly meeting up with Paul. THEN on Sunday, I'm waking up, hitting the Cascades Farmer's Market, and heading back into DC to tourist-style explore some museums, have some lunch, and call it a successful weekend. Thank. God.

Also, I just got a bonus check at work and fully intend on splurging on a massage from some spa that Emily goes to that looks legit and refreshing...I'm sure I'll come out looking like this...but better:

Glowing Cleavage. Well done, Aniston.
Wallpaper, nuff said, duh.

My future nook library. Seriously sigh.

Oui, sil vous plait.
Happy awesome fantastic amazing fun-filled loves hugs and kisses weekend to everyone!
xoxo, Hannah

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Nature's Confetti

"I believe in pink... I believe in kissing--kissing a lot... and I believe that happy girls are the prettiest girls." -Audrey Hepburn.

Yeah, whatever Audrey. Today is Thursday, best day of the week! Almost Friday! Jeans! Yes! Here are some little tiny treats for you to see. An adorbs coffee water color (coffee color?), some Chanel shoutouts, cherry blossom love, summertime picnic romance getaway goodness, my new current dream kitchen (well, the view at least), and some hot bikini babes on the beach. Enjoy! xx

Coco Mademoiselle, mmm delish...
Gold and pink, loves it.
Serious cherry on top.
Sangria, sangria, sangria, san...
Hello, sunflower.
Every one stop and hammer time and seriously look at the view from that window. I would give up some earthly rights and vow to stay in the kitchen always if I got to look over that lake/forest every morning. Sigh.

I want this bathing suit.

I want this umbrella.
I want to be at the (oil-free) ocean. Effffff you BP.


Love, me

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

..But I'm Quickly Cheering Up Because...

...I was riding the elevator up after retrieving my effing iced coffee and a super cute old man dad was riding up with his bike, explaining to his friend that he commutes to work every day (20 miles) and that "the view is great, the fresh air is fantastic!" and that he "has young kids, so the only 'me time' I get is the commute!" and that "I can save my health, my car, and the environment in one fell swoop!"

sigh maybe there is some hope.

Today I'm Irritated Because...

1. I was almost murdered on Fairfax Co Pkwy by a Lexus SUV that was sporting a Baby on Board magnet AND a McCain/Palin sticker. Lame.

2. I held the door for some middle-aged has-been who was on her cell; didn't get a thank you; she stepped on the back of my heel; and her teenaged, slutty-fied daughter with the trashy French pedicure followed quickly behind, texting at rapid/rabid speeds. Ridiculous.

3. I have poison ivy on my leg that is starting to ooze and creep onto my disgusting dress pants that I hate. Sexy.


5. It's unfuckingbelievably beautiful outside and I'm in my hell-hole lair where there aren't any windows/the sun don't shine. Eff corporate America.

6. There is still oil gushing into the ocean. Fucking, I can't even talk about it.

i'll be back later once STG implodes on itself.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

So Pumped to Have a Colbie Caillat Song In My Head

Happy Day After Memorial Day people! Otherwise known as Tuesday, barf-face, worst day of the week. But whatevs, I'm merely counting down the minutes until this weekend when I head back to Central VA to rendezvous with the loves of my life for Sara's ultimate wedding reception extravaganza! Excitement cannot be contained; I truly cannot wait to see Lou Crew friends and celebrate old-school style with the best of them.

So this weekend I went home/Cville with Cody to chill at my parents' house/eat massive amounts of (free!) food/hang outside/play with Uli/do nothing. Twas enjoyable. On Sunday, Cody and I went into town and got burgers yumyum at The Nook downtown. It was about 3million degrees outside...and I loved it!

Anxiously awaiting burger arrival, duh.
Ok, eff you, I look disgusting.
Whatever, it was fart-knockingly hot outside and I'm a known sweaty beast.
Deal with it.
While in Cville, we stopped by Circa to peruse the goodies and see if we could find anything worthwhile. UM HELLO I FOUND A MONEY PURCHASE! Well, in my eyes at least. Because you see, I've been searching high and low for an adorbs little lamp to bring into work to ninja-kick the hell out of the disgusting fluorescent lights that I'm forced to sit under. And it's taken a while. I can't just pick any old lamp. It's gotta be cute. Be classy. And most important, it's gotta be cheap. Well low and mofo behold, I found that exact lamp this weekend! Check it out!

$5!! Totally adorbs. Oh, and Cody got a beer stein. Sweet.

Moving on. In recent breaking news, did you see this? Al Gore and ole Tipper are splitting...and they sent out an email?!? WTF. How do you respond to that message? I wonder what font they used... Do you think the people they sent it to are going to start a secret 'Reply All' discussion about them, spewing their cyber gossip in one fell blow? Who gets their extreme, environmentally unfriendly abode? Lame.

Enough of this bullshit. Here are some pics that I know will make your day shine like the sun. Bon Appetite to your eyes and happy barf Tuesday!

xoxo, Hannah